You’re Welcome Here!

TC is home to many people in our community.  It is a place where you will feel relaxed and comfortable amongst family and friends. You can expect to be energized and inspired, whether it’s a result of the people around you, the live music that kicks off the service, or the message that is sure to elevate your faith.  We offer a full kids program during each of our Sunday services and the coffee is always on us!

What to Expect

Growth Track is a series of classes designed to introduce you to the ministry of Transformation Church, guide you through the essential beliefs every Christian needs to know, help you get connected to the church through membership, and realize what makes you so unique through serving.  Growth Track is necessary if you would like to serve and become a member of Transformation Church.  We offer Growth Track Classes every Sunday morning at 10:00am at TC and online every Monday night at 7:00pm.   Click Here to learn more and to sign up.


Need Prayer?

There are times when life is overwhelming, and all we have are questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!

Ask for Prayer

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